Database maintenance Wednesday, March 21st

On Wednesday, March 21st, Telldus Live! will switch over to a new database system. We don't expect any downtime, but it's a really major operation involving many steps with a lot of potential pitfalls. The switch itself will take place at 11:00 CET. We will then closely monitor all systems and fix problems that may show up. Follow us on twitter (@telldus_status) for the latest updates.

In a worst case scenario we might have to rollback to the state before the switch over attempt. In that case, editing made during this time would be lost. Also device logs (sensor logs are not affected) and new locations, schedules, events and accounts would be affected. Therefore we encourage you not to do a lot of editing of your setups this day.

We are doing this to increase database performance, but especially to have a more reliable failover design. Almost all other Telldus systems are using this database in one way or another, and it's critical that it's reliable.


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