Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Guides/Contributing

Mar 14, 2012, 2:31:18 PM (12 years ago)
Micke Prag



  • Guides/Contributing

    v1 v1  
     1== How to contribute code ==
     2Since most of Telldus code is released as Open Source it is not only possible for everyone to read the code, but everone can contribute with updates, and we encourage you to do so.
     4To ease up the development we are using git for the code and mirror it on two of the bigger git hosting sites; Gitorious and GitHub.
     6Why having the code in three places?[[BR]]
     7We belive it should be easy to help out. Some prefer one platform over the other. By offering the code on multiple places you can contribute from the platform you prefer.
     9New to Git?[[BR]]
     10There is some great guides available on the internet. One we like is
     12=== Telldus repository ===
     13Our main repository is hosted for anonymous access here:
     16For small updates this repository is probably the easiest way to get started.
     17Check out the code using the following command:[[BR]]
     19$ git clone
     22Change some files and commit them back to your clone:[[BR]]
     24$ git add a-changed-file
     25$ git commit -m "Changed the file a-changed-file"
     28For sending patches to us you can create patch-files using the format-patch command.
     30$ git format-patch origin/master
     32This command creates one or many numbered *.patch files, one for each commit. In this case only one file named {{{0001-Changed-the-file-a-changed-file.patch}}}
     34Create a ticket, describing the change, and attach the patchfiles you have for the bug/feature.
     36=== Gitorious/GitHub ===
     38The workflow for both Gitorious and GitHub is quite similar. This is suitable if you plan on contributing more than once or twice.
     40You need to have a user account on one of the sites first. You can then fork our repository, creating your own, before cloning the repository.
     42Our Gitorious repository is available here and for GitHub here:
     44When you have changed some files and commited them you can push them back to Gitorious/GitHub. When you are ready to contribute back to Telldus, use the "Pull request feature" and we will be alerted of your changes.