Do you have a Lua script you want to share with the community?
If you are interested to contribute with Lua scripts, we're more than happy to receive pull requests.
We might reward good contributions with free Premium voucher codes.
What is Lua script?
Lua is a powerful yet simple and easy to learn programming language.
It's designed to be a lightweigt scripting language and therefore it's the perfect match to make TellStick Net v2 and TellStick ZNet more powerful - The Lua-scripts are running locally on the device.
Want to get started? Read more here:
What kind of scripts are interesting for the community?
Well, almost any kind of scripts are welcome!
Both device specific scripts and generic scripts might be a good addition when some specific feature is not yet implemented in Telldus Live!.
How can I contribute?
Create a pull request here:
How can I get a free Premium voucher code?
When you've created a pull request we'll get a notification about it and will review the code.
If there is any issues with it we will give comments about it and when it's accepted and if we think that it's worth a reward, you'll get a voucher code to your email.
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