{{{ local deviceManager = require "telldus.DeviceManager" function control_device(device, action) local device = deviceManager:findByName(device) if device == nil then return end if action == "ON" and device:state() == 2 then print("%s - %s", device:name(), action) device:command("turnon", nil, "RGB") elseif action == "OFF" and device:state() == 1 then print("%s - %s", device:name(), action) device:command("turnoff", nil, "RGB") end end function onZwaveMessageReceived(device, flags, cmdClass, cmd, data) if cmdClass ~= 0x26 or cmd ~= 3 then return end name = device:name() print("%s - %s", name, data[0]) name = string.gsub(name, "IN", "OUT") if data[0] < 50 then action = "OFF" else action = "ON" end control_device(name, action) end }}}