Pebble app for Telldus Live!

During the christmas holidays one of Telldus employees started a project to use his new Pebble smartwatch to control the lights from a TellStick Net. Currently it only supports on and off.
The code is located here:
Are you developing Pebble apps? Help out and extend this with more functionality.

It has been uploaded to the comming Pebble appstore and will be available once 2.0 of Pebble OS is released. If you already have 2.0 installed and don't want to wait you can download the app below. You need at least beta3 installed on your phone. Currently only Android have been tested.

Please note that this app was developed by Telldus Technologies employees during their free time and is not officially supported by Telldus.

Attachments (2)

Download all attachments as: .zip


1. Edward Patel -- 10 years ago

Love to see this project evolve. When trying build and run the version @github I get to this screen but no further. If I copy the "Yes" link and try it in Safari I get a login screen. Not sure if it could be a backend thing, (i.e. link need to be a button)? Thought, the Javascript bridge is nice but maybe one should make a native app? I have looked into making a web service but that works OK for a single private account. OAuth login seem to be the big hurdle.

2. Micke Prag -- 10 years ago

Unfortunately I have not been able to test this on iOS. Can you get the log output also? This might help see the issue.

3. Jan Hadroli -- 10 years ago

Samma problem här med IOS 7, det går inte att trycka på yes knappn vid inlogningen. Kan tänka mig att hjälpa till men vet inte hur jag skickar logg filer. Hoppas att det går att lösa.

4. Martin Sjoberg -- 10 years ago

Stämmer - på min IOS7 fastnar jag också vid yes knappen.

5. Martin Sjoberg -- 10 years ago

Telldus Live Pebble app works now with Pebble 2.0 beta 7 and IOS 7 on a iphone. There are still som error messages first time when you connect, but it works!

6. Robert Andresen -- 10 years ago

Fikk først en oAuth feil, etter der fikk jeg ikke til å trykke Yes mer. Men etter noen forsøk med å trykke Yes/No, restarte pebble dev-appen på telefonen, osv., så virket det plutselig med min iPhone 5 iOS 7 og Pebble med SDK 2.0 :-)

7. Christian Lövsund -- 10 years ago

I cannot even get to auth screen. On pebble it says "Please log in on your phone" On the iPhone 4s it is showing below screenshot for several minutes.

Pebble firmware 2.1 iPhone 4s iOS 7

Anything I should try or should do to help fix?