TellStick Net beta firmware, version 16

This beta release adds support for some Oregon Scientific version 3-sensors, for example THGR810 and THGN801 (WGR800 (wind) and PCR800 (rain) are also received in this firmware, but they are not yet handled correctly in the Telldus Live! interface).

If you have other Oregon Scientific 3-sensors that are received with this firmware, please let us know, since it's not always clear which models share the same sensor identification.

Download the flasher here: (windows) (mac) (It's the same firmware version actually, despite the name. The "14" is just there to add to the general confusion.)

For additional information about this beta firmware, please see 2013/04/17/tellstick_net_beta_firmware


1. juan alei -- 11 years ago

Is there support for THGN800? Thanks

2. Stefan Persson -- 11 years ago

I would suggest that you test it. We don't have any information about THGN800, but it's not impossible that it use the same data format and sensor ID as the supported sensors. Please let us know the result if you test it.

3. Andreas Carlsson -- 11 years ago

What is the difference between version 15 (that was posted yesterday) and version 16 (posted today)?

4. Stefan Persson -- 11 years ago

There was a (big) regression bug in version 15. Almost none of the new functions were present. We're sorry about that.

5. Anders Sveen -- 11 years ago

Is the DMG corrupted? When I try to run the program OS X says it's damaged and can't be opened. The old (v4) is working though.

6. Stefan Persson -- 11 years ago

@anders: Do you run 64-bit or 32-bit?

7. Anders Sveen -- 11 years ago

@stefan: 64-bit OS X Mavericks. Download, double click. The DMG mounts, but when I click the icon inside it says that it is damaged and gives me an option to eject the image. Is there anything specific I should try?

8. Anders Sveen -- 11 years ago

And the v4 DMG opens, but of course only shows that my Tellstick is updated to the latest version.

10. Anders Sveen -- 11 years ago

Yes. :( It says "TellSickNetFlasher is damaged and can't be opened. You should eject the disk image." The help sections says that it has been "modified or damaged". That it might have something to do with the signed code.

11. Anders Sveen -- 11 years ago

Ah. Now it worked. Had to change mac security settings to allow applications from anywhere.

12. juan alei -- 11 years ago

Since the update, the sensors work for a few hours. Restart tellstick net and return to work, but only a few hours. (Oregon Scientific)

13. juan alei -- 11 years ago

Since the update, the sensors work for a few hours. Restart tellstick net and return to work, but only a few hours. (Oregon Scientific)

14. Stefan Persson -- 11 years ago

@juan, Did it work better before? What firmware version did you have then? Does it continue to report as before if you downgrade to an older version again?

15. juan alei -- 11 years ago

Have returned to work alone.

The previous version was tellstick_net_fw4.hex

16. Torulf Danielsson -- 11 years ago

Thanks for this beta. Upgrade from v12 to the new v16 worked fine. My Oregon THGR810 (V3 protocol) seems to work perfectly with TellstickNET.

17. Peter Rask -- 10 years ago

With the beta firmware I understand it as Tellstick Net now can recieve data from Oregon Wind and Rain sensors. Can Telldus Live display these values yet?

18. Stefan Persson -- 10 years ago

@peter Yes, as of today actually.